The Lotus Principle – Why Shadow Work Works…


There is the famous saying:

“No mud, no lotus.”

Actually it is more than a saying – it is a fact.

The lotus flower blossoms in the dirt… opening up the realms of bliss and peace while it comes from muddy, shabby places.

Sure, we can just handle that as a biological fact.

But it is so much more than that.

It is one of the core teachings that nature provides for us when it comes to an embodied and truly modern form of spirituality.

This lotus flower cures us from running away from our shadows.

It cures us from trying to hide where we come from.

It heals our cultural belief in something inherently dirty in our very existence.

It teaches us unconditional trust in our shadows.

This is what I feel more passion about than about almost anything else: throwing ourselves back into the infinite treasures, lectures, challenges and energies that are waiting for us in EMBODIED SHADOW WORK.

And… I am beyond excited about introducing you to my newest online adventure today!

Because it is about exactly that:

unleashing the inner power, bliss and freedom by diving straight into individual/collective shadows…