Free Events

Aliveness & Energy – No Matter What!!

Welcome to Ilan´s Free Events!

These sessions are cutting-edge online formats designed by Ilan Stephani – open for everybody who wants to co-create a future that is about aliveness instead of suffering!

Every Free Event is gathering humans around the world in order to move collective trauma, simply by whole body shaking – walking the PATH OF ENERGY instead of PATH OF WORDS…

After a short intro talk we are inviting collective trauma issues and global crises and start moving – shaking, trembling, sounding, breathing, … – meeting those issues with the instinctive forces of our nervous system.

Yes, Ilan is offering these global events FOR FREE – and you can sign up for the upcoming events below.

If you want to attend, you’ll need:

  • to register with your name and email*
  • save the date in your calendar with the event link we’ll send you once you sign up
  • a quiet, safe and undisturbed space
  • be on time. Virtual doors will close at 6.00 pm
  • no appointments directly after this event, so you can integrate (this is important!)
  • comfortable clothes
  • about 60 min of your time (please no distractions, no hopping on and off! – only up and down!)

*You will also receive Ilan’s ecstatic newsletter with exclusive events and news for more aliveness.


These Free Events are NOT a therapy and can by no means replace any kind of treatment. Ilan´s Online Events are dealing with collective trauma that is reflected in our individual trauma as well. These sessions are NOT for you if your are currently experiencing a severe PTSD episode or trauma activation or any symptoms of anxiety, panic or overwhelm. Please make sure that you have a sense of safety in yourself and in your environment and know how to ground yourself when you attend. You understand that you are fully responsible for yourself and attend at your own risk.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All Free Events are recorded and might be published on social media. You will not be seen and not be heard.

Sign up here to join Ilan’s FREE events!

If you have signed up to a previous free #ShakingEvent or #SpeakingEvent you DO need to sign up again.You will then receive the invitation and reminder emails automatically. You only have to sign up here once. Zoom spaces are limited and are taken on “first come first served” basis.

Your first time?

Make sure to visit Ilan’s introduction videos here:


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Yes, this event is totally FREE!!!

Let’s have a global shaking party!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for showing up in this era and supporting the global shaking movement research with your passion, power and courage!


Your donation here would be AWESOME!

Let’s shake up the power of this world !

Aug 05


»It felt so energizing and real to be able to do this in community.«

»I cried, felt angry, compassionate, sad, alive, desperate… And I clearly could feel how helpful and releasing it was (and is), to move and shake with all these feelings and to hear you, dear Ilan, with all your joy, your tears, your compassion and empathy for all living beings.«

»After the shaking event I felt, and still feel, more clear, cleansed, I got a feeling of connection.«

»I was really blown away by the courage and open heartedness of the group! Some of the stories also reflected my own life experience.«

»I was impressed by the energy Ilan put into the event. I wasn’t prepared for a 1 hr shaking but I managed, with a little muscle strain in my right upper leg. I will certainly join the next event and will in the meantime shake with Youtube movies.«

»Thank you so much for holding a safe space for all this magic to happen. I feel this type of healing is much needed all around the world.«

»Before and during the shaking I was very aware of my trauma of feeling alone, like an outcast. Today I feel hope and happiness, because I deeply believe that we can be part of the so needed change in and for the world with our courageous and intense will to feel and connect deeply into trauma – with the shaking.«


Bestselling Author &
Somatic Mystic

Ilan Stephani is a somatic mystic, an abundant source of inspiration, and a powerful and loving question mark for our current cultural paradigms. Her points of view on burning topics of this era are challenging, ever-surprising and provocative, turning our belief systems upside down. She is dedicated to the fields of embodiment, trauma, sexuality, health and mysticism in order to support individual and collective change.

With her German bestseller »Skin and Games – What Sexwork Taught Me About Love« – an analysis about her prostitution in the context of society, Ilan gained nation-wide attention in 2017 and is now available in English as Kindle eBook here. 

Shaking Online Journey


The Shaking Collection

Wanna feel more alive in your everyday business? Wanna use stress and triggers for MORE energy (instead of being depleted)? You’re longing for practical tools to create more inner freedom and happiness – no matter what?

The Shaking Collection is a series of powerful concrete practices to fuel your aliveness. Let’s go!