For all of you that know my Free #ShakingEvents …
3 Events á 90 minutes
- SE on Rage plus GSM
- SE on Grief plus GSM
- SE on Fear plus GSM
Creating ecstatic spaces for collective change is the love story of my life.
And I think that gathering for collective change is more than a private passion – it is THE most powerful and meaningful thing that we can do nowadays…
So – who wants to join?
I am offering a super exclusive online event, #GlobalSexMagic – lifting my signature practice of whole body SHAKING to whole a new level of depth and power!
I am sending this invitation exclusively to my shaking community – because I know that the deeper we are into shaking – the more powerful we will be taking off with this gathering!
Providing a whole new intensity and consequence in collective trauma healing.
3 powerful online events about the human potential
Global Sex Magic is not new. Quite the opposite – it is the oldest and most natural thing on earth: living beings gather and use their creative super powers in order to create…
… create another future. Another vibe. Another normal.
We know it all:
Change does not come from thought. It does not come from willpower. It most definitely does not come from a state of contraction.
Change does not come as long as we think that we NEED it to happen.
Change eventually comes when we deeply let go. When we deeply surrender to the innate pulse of aliveness.
GSM is exactly about that:
Remembering our most naturla and most meaningful movement:
From thinking to sensing.
From wanting to bliss.
From doubt to ecstasy.
I consider this to be the most timely and most powerful movement possible.
What to expect?
We gather online, 3 thursdays in a row, taking off with a #ShakingEvent (LINK ZU SE SITE) that we dedicate to a specific collective vibe (rage, fear and grief) – and from there we dive DEEP into our innate creative powers, our sexual and sensual talent… underneath of cultural concepts and constructs.
You will meet yourself anew, and you will contribute to another future for all of us.
For whom?
This is for YOU if you:
want to learn a practice that renews your sense of intensity, ecstasy and connectedness to everything alive
#GlobalSexMagic is NOT for you if you:
- are under 18.
- have zero experience with whole body shaking – please check out my #ShakingCollection in order to get a taste ogf what this is about if you want to join us…
- do NOT want to dedicate your creative and sexual energy to collective change and topics, and rather want to stay.
- it is NOT for you if you are currently recovering from trauma symptoms, especially PTSD after sexual trauma. In this case full focus on your healing is way more relevant for your nervous system than contributing to the collective field… and please know that your indivudal healing jounrey WILL impact the collective field deeply.
Online, via Zoom.
Thursday X, Y, Z, XXX time CEST
Do I have to be naked? How „sexual“ is that?
„Being sexual“ just means that you are connected to your inner flow and sensuality – howveer that wants to look like for you each time you show up for this practice. You absolutely do NOT have to do anything „sexual“ in our cultural terms. You feeling safe and happy is so much more about the core of this practice than any form could ever be…
I would like to join, but I cannot be live. Will there be a replay?
YES. We will upload it in our online space and you will access to it for an unlimited time.
Payment via Digistore24.