Free #SpeakingEvents

on Collective Trauma Healing & Somatic Mysticism

Free #SpeakingEvents are a monthly format by Ilan Stephani – open for everybody who wants to co-create a future that is about aliveness instead of suffering.

Ilan’s #SpeakingEvents are cutting-edge stuff about collective trauma healing, global change and somatic mysticism. These talks are a free gift that are just meant to be shared with everybody. Please invite your friends by sharing this page!

Every #SpeakingEvent is gathering humans around the world in order to move collective issues, regaining clarity, aliveness and courage from facing the current global challenges.


Ilan’s talks are the opposite of smalltalk – do NOT attend if you feel unwell and unstable that day.

Please also do NOT attend if you are easily offended or do not want to face trauma-related issues. Ilan’s teachings radically question our cultural matrix, so these events are NOT for you if you do not want to be challenged by new and surprising paradigms.

If you want to attend this free event, you’ll need:

  • to register with your name and email
  • save the date in your calendar with the event link we’ll send you once you sign up
  • a quiet, safe and undisturbed space during the call
  • comfortable cloth (for movement and shaking sequences)
  • be on time. Virtual doors will close at 6.15 pm
  • about 60 min of your time (please no distractions, no hopping on and off!)

Sign up here to join Ilan’s FREE events!

ATTENTION!!: If you have signed up to a previous free #ShakingEvent or #SpeakingEvent you do not need to sign up again. You will receive the invitation and reminder emails automatically. Zoom spaces go to first come first served.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All #ShakingEvents are recorded and published in Ilan’s Online Salon and/or social media. You will not be displayed and not be heard. However, if you want to attend extra anonymously, please change your zoom display name and switch off your camera.

Yes, this event is totally FREE!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for showing up in this era and supporting the global shaking movement research with your passion, power and courage!

Let’s shift collective paradigms and down-regulate the collective nervous system altogether. Because it is so much easier to do so than to stay stuck in suffering!


Your donation here would be AWESOME!

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If you are curious about Ilan take a small peek into Ilan’s body of work.


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Let’s shake up the power of this world !

There are no upcoming events at this time


Bestselling Author &
Somatic Mystic

Ilan Stephani is a somatic mystic, an abundant source of inspiration, and a powerful and loving question mark for our current cultural paradigms. Her points of view on burning topics of this era are challenging, ever-surprising and provocative, turning our belief systems upside down. She is dedicated to the fields of embodiment, trauma, sexuality, health and mysticism in order to support individual and collective change.

With her German bestseller »Skin and Games – What Sexwork Taught Me About Love« – an analysis about her prostitution in the context of society, Ilan gained nation-wide attention in 2017 and is now available in English as Kindle eBook here. 


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