#LoveAndRage – Loving Rage – Embodiment Call


LOVING RAGE Embodiment Training With Ilan Stephani How To Use Your Rage For Intimate Connection LOVING RAGE is about: • why rage is so essential for the thriving of your relationships… • how to get to know and express your rage • how to overcome the culture of smiling out of fear – „Be a […]


#LoveAndRage – Krisen, Kollaps und Deine Innere Kraft!


KRISEN, KOLLAPS UND DEINE INNERE KRAFT! Embodiment Training mit Ilan Stephani Wie du Krisen als Energie-Booster lieben lernst Krisen, Kollaps und Innere Power erforscht: • wie du aus Überforderung und Erschöpfung aussteigen kannst • warum nicht Krisen, sondern unser Kollaps das Problem ist... und wie du Kollaps ver-lernst:-) • wie du Selbstvertrauen und Mut wieder […]


#LoveAndRage – Crises, Collapse and Your Inner Power!


CRISES, COLLAPSE AND YOUR INNER POWER! An Embodiment Training with Ilan Stephani How to use challenges for the big leap... Crises, Collapse and Your Inner Power! is about: • how to un-learn the constant feeling of overwhelm and being stressed out • how to respond to crises with awareness and power instead of collapse • […]


#LoveAndRage – Loving Rage – Embodiment Call


LOVING RAGE Embodiment Training With Ilan Stephani How To Use Your Rage For Intimate Connection LOVING RAGE is about: • why rage is so essential for the thriving of your relationships… • how to get to know and express your rage • how to overcome the culture of smiling out of fear – „Be a […]


#LoveAndRage – Scham loslassen lernen…


SCHAM LOSLASSEN Embodiment Training mit Ilan Stephani Wie du ver-lernst, dich zu entschuldigen für das, was du bist...   Der Embodiment Call SCHAM LOSLASSEN erforscht: • wo du im Alltag in deine »Scham-Fallen« tappst und wie du dann ganz konkret damit umgehen kannst! • körperliche Tools für mehr Resilienz gegen Scham-Anfälle • ein größeres Verständnis […]


#LoveAndRage – Crises, Collapse and Your Inner Power!


CRISES, COLLAPSE AND YOUR INNER POWER! An Embodiment Training with Ilan Stephani How to use challenges for the big leap... Crises, Collapse and Your Inner Power! is about: • how to un-learn the constant feeling of overwhelm and being stressed out • how to respond to crises with awareness and power instead of collapse • […]


#LoveAndRage – Un-learning Guilt – Embodiment Call


UN-LEARNING GUILT An Embodiment Training with Ilan Stephani How to break free from the prison of guilt and live your life - no matter what! UN-LEARNING GUILT is about: • how to clearly recognize when you are feeling guilty – and what to do about it • why feelings of guilt are such an epidemic […]


#LoveAndRage – Loving Rage – Embodiment Call


LOVING RAGE Embodiment Training With Ilan Stephani How To Use Your Rage For Intimate Connection LOVING RAGE is about: • why rage is so essential for the thriving of your relationships… • how to get to know and express your rage • how to overcome the culture of smiling out of fear – „Be a […]


#LoveAndRage – Crises, Collapse and Your Inner Power!


CRISES, COLLAPSE AND YOUR INNER POWER! An Embodiment Training with Ilan Stephani How to use challenges for the big leap... Crises, Collapse and Your Inner Power! is about: • how to un-learn the constant feeling of overwhelm and being stressed out • how to respond to crises with awareness and power instead of collapse • […]


#LoveAndRage – Releasing Shame – Embodiment Call


RELEASING SHAME Embodiment Training mit Ilan Stephani How you un-learn to apologize for who you are... In the Embodiment Call RELEASING SHAME you learn... • where your 'shame traps' are in every day life and how you can deal with them in concrete ways • embodiment tools for more resilience to shame attacks • a […]


#FlirtingWithFreedom – Online Immersion


Emotionale Freiheit in Beziehungen Freiheit und Bindung sind keine Gegensätze - sie brauchen einander. Die meisten von uns wachsen auf mit einem Gefühl, sich entscheiden zu müssen zwischen innerer Wahrheit und äußerer Bindung. Nicht wahr: Je sicherer wir uns fühlen wollen mit Anderen - desto mehr müssen wir uns anpassen... In tiefen Freundschaften, Bindungen und […]
