The Embodiment Conference 2020
Making embodied wisdom available to everyone, everywhere, free of charge.
An online conference and more than that…
A kickstart to a global movement.
Embodiment is about making friends with your body, and feeling at home in your skin. The conference will give you free access to the top teachers in the field, offer a community of support, and be a huge global party to be remembered.
Embodiment is an antidote to the violence, disconnection and overwhelm caused by numbing, and a return to our shared humanity. For this reason, our goal is to make the 20’s the embodiment decade, and help humanity thrive. The Embodiment Conference is a university, a fiesta and a catalyst. In a cynical age this is a bold vision, yes, but if not now when?
TEC will again be a uniquely rich opportunity for diverse learning, and will not only help you to come home to the anchor of your body in a chaotic world: to energise and inspire you personally, but also to connect with others for whom the body matters too. TEC will use global online community, to create local communities and real-world action.
Participants have an opportunity not just to get a bunch of information, but to clarify and digest that into wisdom.
Through this event you can:
• Learn from the leaders and innovators in the field
• Gain deep personal insights (we will provide a platform to help with this)
• Deepen and reboot your own practice
• Easily learn about many new areas
• Build real relationships and gain a community of support that will continue long
after the event (online and in-person).
• Have a really good time doing all this